The cost of Invisalign® Treatment is determined by your provider based on your specific needs including duration of treatment and the type of correction you are looking for.
You may contact your dentist/orthodontist or search for a trained Invisalign® Provider in your local area via the ‘find an Invisalign® Provider’ tool for an estimated cost before commencing treatment.
Your Invisalign® trained Provider may offer payment financing plans. You may check eligibility when booking an appointment.
Meet with your Provider and get a sneak peek at what your new smile could look like.
Using the iTeroTM Element Scanner, your Invisalign® Provider can take a fast and precise 3D digital scan of your teeth3 and map out a custom treatment plan just for you.
Start transforming your smile right from your first fitting.
This is a key step in your success. Your Invisalign® Provider will ensure your aligners fit well, answer your questions, and let you know what to expect.
Keep the Invisalign® smile you love.
You transformed your smile, now let’s keep the smile you love.
Our retainers are custom-made and 30% stronger than other retainers1.
18 million straighter smiles worldwide and counting.1
Imagine what Invisalign Treatment could do for your smile.
Want a sneak peek at your new smile?
Simply take a selfie using the Invisalign SmileView tool.